トドマツの家具 その1
ひとつは相欠きと呼ばれる継手を用いて組み立てたベッドフレームです。正倉院の校倉造りやログハウスのように、部材の相欠き継手を重ねて積み上げるフレーム構造となっています。すのこも同じトドマツを用いて金属のビスや釘を使わずに、木釘で接合しています。節の少ない最も等級の高いトドマツを使用しました。予想以上に軋みもなく、しっかりと組み上がりました。それぞれの材料が少しずつ捻れて、かえってそのことが継ぎ手の強度を増しているようです。これからしばらくは実際の生活の中で使ってみて、経年変化による問題が発生しないか検証をしたいと思っております。(参考価格110,000円 興味のある方はお問い合わせください。)
Todomatsu (Sakhalin fir) furniture 1
I think that the most abundant tree in Hokkaido is probably the Todomatsu (Sakhalin fir) tree. As it is said to be "a Sakhalin fir that reaches the heavens," it is characterized by its upward-facing branches. Because Sakhalin fir is soft and weak in strength, it is not usually used as a material for furniture, but on the other hand, it is cheap and abundant, so most of it is often used as a base material and structural material for construction. In Hokkaido, a large number of Sakhalin fir trees have been planted for more than 50 years as timber for artificial forests. In Shimokawa Town in northern Hokkaido, it is one of the main tree species for practicing sustainable, recycling-oriented forest management with a 60-year cycle.
I wondered if I could make furniture using this Sakhalin fir tree, so I made two prototypes of furniture. One is a bed frame that is assembled using a joint called “Aigaki”. Like the Azekura-zukuri of Shosoin and log houses, it has a frame structure in which the joints of the members are piled up. The slats are also made of the same Sakhalin fir, and are joined with wooden nails without using metal screws or nails. We used the highest grade Sakhalin fir with few knots. There was no creak than expected, and it was assembled firmly. Each material is twisted little by little, which seems to increase the strength of the joint. From now on, I would like to use it in my actual life for a while, and I would like to verify whether there will be any problems due to aging.